Diamond partners from WAVE participate at the 2nd TinnGO multistakeholders forum

The DIAMOND project was represented in a session held within the 2nd Multistakeholders’ Forum organised by TinnGO project on 16th September.

During the event, new perspectives to approach gender smart mobility in the transport field have been discussed with different stakeholders, capitalising on the discussions and insights gained during the 1st TInnGO Multistakeholders’ Forum celebrated last year.

Elisabeth Young, Founder and President of WAVE, participated in the session “How Gender Smart Mobility is translated into policy and concrete actions in the EU and Member States”, and mention DIAMOND as a key European project promoting a more inclusive and efficient transportation system from a gendered perspective.

This session brought together policy makers, researchers and senior actors from various sectors on the European scene with the objective to discuss how the research on gender in European Transport and the different tools for Gender and Diversity Smart Mobility could help to boost a gender-balanced and overall inclusive transport ecosystem around Europe.

The TInnGO project, one of the DIAMOND’s sister projects, has the objective to build a European observatory for gender smart mobility, providing a nexus for data collection, analysis, dissemination of gender mainstreaming tools and open innovation.
