À quoi ressemblerait une ville conçue par des femmes ?

What would a city designed by women be like?

Cities are supposed to be built for all of us, but they aren’t built by all of us.

Every city in the world has been designed and built by men. But what if the other half had a go?

Barcelona might be able to give us that answer.

For the past four years the city has had a female mayor with a profoundly feminist agenda. We spoke to feminists working in urban planning in the city to find out what they think needs to change to make cities better for women.

Reporter: Stephanie Hegarty

Directed and edited by: Camelia Sadeghzadeh Producer: Eva Ontiveros Video journalist: Derrick Evans Animation: Jilla Dastmalchi


Recherche de speaker IA – Convention annuelle NextMove

Recherche de speaker IA – Convention annuelle NextMove

Nous sommes à la recherche d'une intervenante sur le sujet de l'IA pour notre convention annuelle, le 26 juin 2024 - Caen, Centre de conférences du Crédit Agricole). Depuis 2012, la convention annuelle du pôle de compétitivité Automobile et Mobilités NextMove s’est installée comme l’un des temps forts de l’écosystème d’innovation français pour la mobilité. 

Le sujet ? "Comment l'IA va-t-elle contribuer à la transformation des mobilités ?"

Lire l'artice

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